From 2024, you’ll be able to study hairdressing at T-Level
Have you heard about T-Levels, the new qualifications for students aged 16 to 18 that will be introduced in September 2020? These post-GCSE courses – described as “the gold standard technical course of choice for young people” are equivalent to studying three A-Levels, and will become one of three major options for students to study at Level 3, alongside apprenticeships and A-Levels.
T Level students spend 80% of the course in the classroom, learning the skills that employers need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where students put these skills into action.
A T-Level in hairdressing, barbering and beauty therapy is currently being developed, and is expected to be introduced in 2024. It’s being worked on in collaboration with hairdressing employers and businesses so that when you qualify you’re better prepared for life in the industry.
How are T-Levels being developed?
The Institute
for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) will be leading on
apprenticeship and T-Level development. Its business plan outlines how
it intends to make a positive impact on the design and delivery of
apprenticeships and T-Levels.Employers and providers are working together to develop each T-Level with support from the Department for Education (DfE) and IfATE. Groups of employers define the skills and requirements for each T-Level course by participating in T-Level panels. This ensures that students taking T-Levels will develop the technical knowledge and skills required by employers in that industry.
The T-Level panels have been developing the content for the qualifications based on the same standards as apprenticeships and these plans are being tested and reviewed with students, education providers and employers.
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