If you complete your T-Level you will receive an overall grade of pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. You’ll also get a nationally recognised certificate that will show your overall grade and a breakdown of what you have achieved.

The T-Level certificate will include:

 ≠ An overall grade for the T-Level, shown as pass, merit, distinction or distinction*

≠ A separate grade for the core component, using A* to E

≠ A separate grade for each occupational specialism, shown as pass, merit or distinction
It will also include confirmation that you have:

≠ Met the minimum requirements for maths and English qualifications

≠ Completed the industry placement

≠ Met any additional mandatory requirements

Your T-Level will be worth UCAS points – a T-Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A-Levels at A* – and will be recognised by universities and other education providers so you can choose to continue studying if you wish.

T-Levels will not replace the current apprenticeships in hairdressing, barbering, beauty therapy and nail services. They will sit alongside apprenticeships and A-Levels offering an additional route into work.

