love working in hair because...
It’s more than people think. It’s an escape to my own reality and thoughts and also whoever I’m using my skills on. It can improve someone’s mood instantly and also turn someone into a psychopath, so it definitely keeps me on my toes.
It’s more than people think. It’s an escape to my own reality and thoughts and also whoever I’m using my skills on. It can improve someone’s mood instantly and also turn someone into a psychopath, so it definitely keeps me on my toes.
route into this world was… I was slightly older, but my first salon Daniel Gray
took a chance and I completed my apprenticeship with in-house training, which I
would recommend to anyone. Find a salon that trains in-house, rather than going to college.

My current job is… Hairstylist in many variations! I’m behind the chair at my salons The Social, I’m on set for shoots, music videos, campaigns and ‘how to’ tutorials; I’m backstage for fashion shows, industry stage work and gigs; I’m popping up at festivals, burger bars and product launches. You basically can take your hairdressing skills to anywhere you want and it’s an amazing trade to swap for skills in return. I use that a lot and I believe it helps build up strong relationships. Lots of my meetings now are over a haircut!
I said I wanted to be a hairdresser, I was told...
I was only ever encouraged to do whatever I wanted to do and to make
sure I do it well!
My first job was… Cleaning. That’s how I earned my pocket money. I then basically did any job to get that coin in.
If only parents knew that hairdressing… Is a sustainable career that can be utilised anywhere in the world. We will never be without a job and we are much more intelligent than you think. I can use my skills to win at life and help others win too.
My first job was… Cleaning. That’s how I earned my pocket money. I then basically did any job to get that coin in.
If only parents knew that hairdressing… Is a sustainable career that can be utilised anywhere in the world. We will never be without a job and we are much more intelligent than you think. I can use my skills to win at life and help others win too.
hairdressers who inspire me most are… Luke Pluckrose for his effortless, beautiful
finish and he has an unorthodox humble approach; Jem (@mulletbabyy) for doing things
her way and not conforming at such a young age; and the one I haven’t yet
discovered for pushing me into unknown territory and knowing there are always
more people out there to meet who can give me something. That’s what gives me my drive.
It’s never too late to become a hairdresser because... It’s not. It’s never too late to start any career. Do lots of what makes you happy.
It’s never too late to become a hairdresser because... It’s not. It’s never too late to start any career. Do lots of what makes you happy.

I take personal branding very seriously because… Branding experience is one of the things that pushes and drives me hands down over anything else. I’ve branded myself from day one, with the help from a good friend Jonny Moss at Scratch Creative, who still to this day has a huge responsibility putting up with me and the impossible ideas I throw at him on a daily basis.

A huge inspiration came from... Entrepreneur genius and prankster, Mr Johnny Cupcakes. I always look outside of the industry to see how I can change my habits and create a different experience. I wear my brand wherever I go, on stickers, T-shirts, flags, whatever I can get it on as no one is going to sell your brand better than yourself. I’m an opportunist with everything. If I believe something is cool, I will go full throttle into creating it.
I love making a simple idea come to life. I’ve made necklaces from 1920s clippers. And I’m always open to new ones if I feel like it’s relevant. I’m always authentic, even the things I post on social media, which I feel helps build a loyal following. This has fed into building The Social. I’m always working on the experience for my clients, the freelancers that work within The Social, brands that hire the salon or anyone that hosts seminars or workshops. I’m currently making art prints, candles and a signature scent. Hairdressing definitely doesn’t just stop at hairdressing if you don’t want it to...

Want to get started? Your first step should be to... Find a salon that will educate you from the start, push
you as fast as you can onto the shop floor and still want to educate you even
after you have qualified.
Make sure you… Are happy.
Working in hairdressing makes me feel… Content.
Make sure you… Are happy.
Working in hairdressing makes me feel… Content.
advice would be… Listen loud to your mind, body and surroundings. Just because
something was right at that time doesn’t mean it is now. Be the change.
You’re working with lots of people every day. Always remember that... You never know what they are actually thinking or going through. Always be that person they can turn to.
If it hadn’t been for hair, I wouldn’t have... Been able to create the lifestyle that I want to live.
You’re working with lots of people every day. Always remember that... You never know what they are actually thinking or going through. Always be that person they can turn to.
If it hadn’t been for hair, I wouldn’t have... Been able to create the lifestyle that I want to live.
My ambitions include… The Social’s slogan is ‘We Adapt as you evolve’ and that’s exactly how I live my life!
I’m proud to be a hairdresser because… I can sustain my lifestyle and family through the career I have chosen. I can have a creative outlet every day and I can make people feel better about themselves no matter the circumstances.
≠ Wear whatever you like.
≠ Working with a celeb? Treat them like a human being.
≠ Take a break.
≠ Practice until you can’t get it wrong.
≠ Always make sure you get paid if you’re working on a job and everyone else is being paid.
≠ Working with a celeb? Treat them like a human being.
≠ Take a break.
≠ Practice until you can’t get it wrong.
≠ Always make sure you get paid if you’re working on a job and everyone else is being paid.
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